'Old' Old Portsmouth Pictures - Phil Hanley 2010
Having been to the AGM, I thought the attached pictures might be useful. They are scanned and might have suffered a bit in translation. I am not sure of any dates. However the frozen camber must have been 1963.
106 and 109 Penny Street
HISTORY OF 106 &109 PENNY ST. (John Huffel March 2009)
In the mid 1700s, the corner of Penny Street and Grand Parade was the venue for 4 Freemason Lodges and “The King’s Arms” tavern, where the town’s principal merchants gathered to transact business.
No 4 Broad Street
No 4 BROAD STREET (Keith Feltham February 2007)
No 4 Broad Street was the home of my grandparents and where my grandfather, George Feltham, had his boat-building business, G.A. Feltham and Sons, in the workshop behind the house. .
Half a Century of Memories
HALF A CENTURY OF MEMORIES (Mollie Coleman February 2007)
Mollie Coleman took a trip down 'Memory Lane' recently to recall aspects of her life in Old Portsmouth from 1957 when she and her husband together with their four children moved here from Wickham.
Buckingham House
BUCKINGHAM HOUSE: A brief history (Keith Feltham)
There are proposals to convert Buckingham House, on the High Street, into a small historic house hotel. Restoration is badly needed to preserve the character and features of this important building, which dates from the 16th century, and a new use for the property will facilitate this work and bring it back to life.